It generally depends upon cast size. Approximately, it will take around 3-10 minutes to cure the cast.

You just need to unlock the zip, apply a little force and pull out a hand from the cast. However, in the non-compliant patient or in the children we advise to cut the handle of the zip so that zip will be locked and a patient can not remove by him/herself. In such cases, cutting off the zip is required.

No, FlexiOH is not reusable. However, the FlexiOH can be reused for the same patient during the rehabilitation period after cast treatment.

Silicone rubber which gives elasticity and photo curable gel which cures on the light exposure and becomes rigid to provide support. The inner liner (black foam) which is made from synthetic rubber which is water-resistant and completely inert to skin.

The inner liner (black foam) is compliant to ISO 10993 which is biological testing (testing for skin sensitization or irritation) which is completely safe to use and does not create allergy/infection to the skin.

RizyCure light which is a portable high intensity visible blue light (420 nm) is used for curing purpose.As it is high intensity, we provide the goggles for eye comfort during the application.

Yes, there are chances to occur compartment syndrome. In such cases, if proper education is provided to the patient in case of early stage, swelling can be reduced and also training would be given to the patient to remove the cast & consult the doctor regarding the same.

Yes, we can use after a k-wire surgery. FlexiOH should be provided after proper dressing. However, Dressing has to be washable.

In the non-compliant patient or in the children we advise to cut the handle of the zip so that zip will be locked and a patient can not remove by him/herself. In such cases, cutting off the zip is required.

Yes, depends upon the insurer. But most of the time it covers if the insurance is inclusive of OPD procedures.

No, the cast does not have any supporting activity apart from immobilization but FlexiOH provide better immobilization than other conventional casts.

In such cases we recommend to keep the cast in the box and repack it in such a way that direct light would not expose to the cast.